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Mexican football players arranged an orgy with 30 prostitutes

7 May 2021 No Comment

Mexican football players arranged an orgy with 30 prostitutes
Celebrating their victory over Scotland, the Mexican national football team threw a party in a big county mansion. They were accompanied by 30 young prostitutes that they had ordered on the well-known dating site https://mx.pander.pro/.

Party with prostitutes

The victory over the Scottish team was rather predictable for the fans, as the Mexican national football team was always glorified by their professional skills. However, the players decided to take a different approach to the celebration and 8 top players arranged the party to hang out for more than 24 hours. Formally they didn’t even violate their regime as it was their legal day off. Surely, such amusements may lead to serious consequences especially in the run-up to a World Championship. 

To avoid the risk of being disrupted by the fans and relatives all the fun was arranged at a two-storey villa with a swimming pool in the suburbs of Mexico City. They used an online sex-service portal to make the most of it and hire 30 experienced Mexican putas for just 8 guys. Despite half of those men are married and others have long-term relationships they wanted to experience some new naughty things they can’t do with their wives or girlfriends. 

The punishment for the 24 hours hangout

The partly with escort girls lasted for more than 20 hours – that’s how Mexican national team football players decided to enjoy their day off before the World Championship. There have been no official statements from the press center so the team management reaction to such behavior is yet to be known. But a similar story happened in 2011 – 8 players were caught having the same fun. They had been fined and disqualified from the Mexican national team 3 days before America’s Cup after these activities had been made public. Probably this time the fine will be the only measure applied as prostitution has recently become legalized.

There are many stories that go untold. By capturing and sharing these stories of a vibrant and thriving community that remains underground to this day, this film will not only help raise visibility and issues, but also break the myths of Asian model minorities and celebrate their diversity.

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