Articles in the Current Events Category
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The high courts in India have overturned an archaic British colonial law that made gay sex illegal in the country. Original Reuters article:
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – An Indian court Thursday ruled gay sex was not a crime, a verdict that will bolster demands by gay and health groups that the government scrap a British colonial law which bans homosexual sex.
In a country where public hugging and kissing even among heterosexuals invites lewd remarks and sometimes beatings, gay sex has been a taboo, leaving the government unsure how conservative Indians would …
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Lt. Dan Choi, an Arabic speaking linguist was recently fired for being honest about his sexuality. In one of his appearances on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, Choi mentions that the army teaches everyone to live and serve with integrity and truth. He adds that by asking all soldiers to have to “lie” about who they are defeats the whole code of being true and having full integrity. Currently an online petition sponsored by the “Courage Campaign” is trying to appeal to the White House to repeal the “don’t ask don’t …
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According to a recent AP article, Japanese nationals who are married to foreign nationals in countries that recognize same-sex marriage will now also have their marriage recognized in Japan. With such revisions to the law, it will allow many long distant couples realize an opportunity to live with each other, as this change would also change visa regulations.
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In many ways, I think our country has come quite far with Obama’s victory for presidency of the United States. The fact that at one point in our country’s history, blacks whom were considered inferior now in this day and age can become the president of this country really amazes and gives me faith that this is a country that is willing to embrace progression, improvement and change for the needs and rights of the people.
Therefore It saddens me that there was such a ballot as the Californian Proposition 8 …