Articles Archive for February 2009
Technology »

For the gaysian that wants to meet new friends but don’t want to give out their personal MSN account for the sake of privacy can now try a hidden feature in the 2009 version of Windows Live Messenger. With a simple edit to your computer’s registry, you can have multiple instances of live messenger running. Now you can split people between accounts- the normal friends and then the not-so “normal” friends.
Stories »

In the Phoenix Network (鳳凰衛視) TV talk show “Shehui Neng Jiandu” (社會能見度) Wu Youjian, a retired editor based in Guangzhou explains that her son’s coming out of the closet gave her the feeling of responsibility for speaking out on LGBT issues in China because she understood that homosexuality is not a sickness and that LGBT people are just like their straight counterparts. With help from people, Wu has created a large presence for herself over the internet by blogging because she felt that the LGBT community in China needed a voice and needed to be heard.
Naughty »
Below is Kwon Sang Woo’s commercial to the latest photo essay that he will be releasing in Japan in February of 2009.
Naughty »
Note: Videos shown are all public domain videos found on If you find your video linked here and would like it taken down, please contact us immediately.
Coming Out, Stories »

魯豫有約 or in English, A Date with Luyu is a highly rated Oprah-esque format TV show shown on the 鳳凰衛視 Phoenix Channel network in mainland China. In this particular episode, Luyu interviews two gaysian couples who had unofficially married in China back in the 80s. In the video they tell their amazing story of how they met and dealt with being gay in traditional China.