Jul 2 2009 | No Comment
It’s Ok To Be Gay in India

The high courts in India have overturned an archaic British colonial law that made gay sex illegal in the country. Original Reuters article:
NEW DELHI (Reuters) – An Indian court Thursday ruled gay sex was not a crime, a verdict that will bolster demands by gay and health groups that the government scrap a British colonial law which bans homosexual sex.
In a country where public hugging and kissing even among heterosexuals invites lewd remarks and sometimes beatings, gay sex has been a taboo, leaving the government unsure how conservative Indians would …

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Jun 29 2009 | No Comment
Sex on the Net

Please note that the subject matter in this article are not suitable for those ages 18 and under.
If you’ve ever sat in the audience of the broadway show Avenue Q, we’re more than sure that when the cast began to sing the song The Internet is For Porn, the entire theater had bursted into laughter. The laughter and amusement taken away from that number makes it more than apparent that sex and the internet comes hand in hand. As with most things in life, as long as we keep a …

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May 7 2021 | No Comment
Mexican football players arranged an orgy with 30 prostitutes

Celebrating their victory over Scotland, the Mexican national football team threw a party in a big county mansion. They were accompanied by 30 young prostitutes that they had ordered on the well-known dating site https://mx.pander.pro/. The victory over the Scottish team was rather predictable for the fans, as the Mexican national football team was always glorified by their professional skills. However, the players decided to take a different approach to the celebration and 8 top players arranged the party to hang out for more than 24 hours. Formally they didn’t even violate their regime as it was their legal day off …

Technology »

Feb 20 2009 | No Comment
Running Multiple Instances (Clone) of Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger)

For the gaysian that wants to meet new friends but don’t want to give out their personal MSN account for the sake of privacy can now try a hidden feature in the 2009 version of Windows Live Messenger. With a simple edit to your computer’s registry, you can have multiple instances of live messenger running. Now you can split people between accounts- the normal friends and then the not-so “normal” friends.

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Feb 17 2009 | 2 Comments
The Voice of China’s LGBT Community- Wu Youjian

In the Phoenix Network (鳳凰衛視) TV talk show “Shehui Neng Jiandu” (社會能見度) Wu Youjian, a retired editor based in Guangzhou explains that her son’s coming out of the closet gave her the feeling of responsibility for speaking out on LGBT issues in China because she understood that homosexuality is not a sickness and that LGBT people are just like their straight counterparts. With help from people, Wu has created a large presence for herself over the internet by blogging because she felt that the LGBT community in China needed a voice and needed to be heard.

Coming Out, Stories »

Feb 2 2009 | No Comment
Chinese gay couple on “A Date with Luyu”

魯豫有約 or in English, A Date with Luyu is a highly rated Oprah-esque format TV show shown on the 鳳凰衛視 Phoenix Channel network in mainland China. In this particular episode, Luyu interviews two gaysian couples who had unofficially married in China back in the 80s. In the video they tell their amazing story of how they met and dealt with being gay in traditional China.