Articles in the Featured Category
Celebrities, Entertainment, Featured »

If you thought that it was only Utada and BoA having their try at the mainstream American music scene, thing again. If there’s one pop sensation to keep an eye out on, it’s definitely the Wonder Girls. The Wonder Girls are currently recycling their Korean #1 hits in the states in hopes to make it big here. Is there hope? We at definitely think so. If you don’t know who the Wonder Girls, may we suggest you go immediately now to Youtube and search for songs Tell Me (Tell …
Current Events, Featured »

Lt. Dan Choi, an Arabic speaking linguist was recently fired for being honest about his sexuality. In one of his appearances on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, Choi mentions that the army teaches everyone to live and serve with integrity and truth. He adds that by asking all soldiers to have to “lie” about who they are defeats the whole code of being true and having full integrity. Currently an online petition sponsored by the “Courage Campaign” is trying to appeal to the White House to repeal the “don’t ask don’t …
Entertainment, Featured »

A favorite among gaysians, Utada is taking another stab at trying to break into the American market. What do we at think? We absolutely love it! While personally I’ve always felt that Deep River was one of the most richest albums [in sound] I’ve ever laid my hands on in all aspects- album packaging, song writing, song arrangement and sound, it really disappointed me that later albums Ultra Blue and Heart Station all contained a very simplistic sound with not much emphasis on rich sounds.
Current Events, Featured »

According to a recent AP article, Japanese nationals who are married to foreign nationals in countries that recognize same-sex marriage will now also have their marriage recognized in Japan. With such revisions to the law, it will allow many long distant couples realize an opportunity to live with each other, as this change would also change visa regulations.